
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, February 28, 2014


With February coming to an end there is optimism that Spring is around the corner. Weather predictions however tell us it will be a colder than usual March. The good news is the fact that winter is coming to an end. A short month-February brought some joys, some sadness and lots of time to work indoors. It is one of the worst months for depression. Many people need to know this fact so they can normalize their feelings. Those that do not normally experience depressive episodes, well the weather wore some down!! Heart month and the campaign to be heart healthy! Exercise helps the heart but how to be outside in the frigid weather with all the ice! A time for sweethearts! A time for family dinners! A time to invest in your RRSPs! February let's know that 2014 is really the year to concentrate on accomplishing something! It is a month that allows the dormant trees to start to produce some buds for Spring. So if you look closely at the trees there are little nubs starting to emerge! Oh February and all its ups and downs-just glad to continue to plod along with my projects! How about you? Have you finished some? Are you looking forward to the end of this month? Are you ready to move along?

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