
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, July 18, 2014


Feeling safe and being safe are two different categories. We are all vulnerable at many times in our lives but can feel safe. Driving in a nice car on the highway at 120 km per hour and we can feel safe. But life can turn in an instance and an accident occurs. However, how many times do we do that activity and well we get to our destination and back safely. With a few pit stops for body functions!! We are lucky to live in a fairly safe country. Not perfect! There is crime but mostly we do not get affected a lot! I have had my wallet stolen twice, house broken into twice and don't know how many times my car has been vandalized. Some small other vandal things like egg thrown at my garage door, some questionable things on my credit card years ago, a few obscene phone calls, fraudulent people in our lives but you get the picture-not perfect but manageable! So does travelling in a secure jet liner qualify as safe! Yesterday a terrible tragedy occurred. An airliner shot down over a territory! People in the middle of their lives! And for what? Are you a little sick to your stomach about it? I know I am. Then the fighting in the Middle East! Do we have to take sides? I only think of the little children on both sides. All children deserve peace and to grow up and have a life, don't they? The summer a time of fun-just do it safely- around water, on the streets-watch for little children playing and crossing the road and yes you do everything safely too- like cleaning debris from eves troughs- use a spotter, don't run over your foot with your lawn mover, wear sunscreen etc. No matter how well we practice safety in our lives, there is never any guarantee is there? Life is very precious-so enjoy! But do it safely as best you can in your power!

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