
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, June 10, 2024


 Why do some people think giving advice is their prerogative! 

Did I ask for your opinion?

Well no, then be quiet!

I was chatting with the fellow where I buy my lotter tickets.

He likes me as he can ask me questions about many things.

He was getting tired of customers who had negative opinions and comments about the government, life, and other issues. He wanted to know my opinion about the same issues. So what do I say.

I tell him my views and what I think of what he heard.

I add that he does not have to agree with me or the many customers that he serves. He has the right to his own opinion.

However, they are customers so he can listen to them, take their money and wish them a good day.

And be his own person.

It is hard sometimes in the service industry to have to be polite, nice and listen to crap from others.

What do you think? Are you the one listening or the one dishing it out to others!


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