
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


 Trying to take advantage of the last two months of indoor activities only puts pressure on getting projects started and others done.

The decluttering of one closet was a good feeling.

Working on a crochet project of making granny squares to use on a variety of items.

Using my gift cards from Christmas to buy some much needed books for Spring and Summer reading. I wondered down the Canadian literature aisle and found two that seemed promising.

Mason's Jar by John Jantunen caught my eye. One-third through it. The writing has enticed me to make my other writing more descriptive. It seems my habit of writing assessments and charting and just stating the facts does stifle me. So I have decided to add more description when I edit my short stories.

Attending as many of my grandsons' hockey games as possible. At least the ones that are closer to home.

My bedroom closet area is almost done. I am waiting for warmer weather to go through my clothes in a big way. 

Of course March will be the beginning of Spring cleaning.

I am trying to focus on creative projects.

My community involvement remains the same. I am trying to find three more speakers for one group. I have someone as my April speaker. Those meetings are zoom only.

Exercise is sporadic so I must up my game. Walking around the house is not like walking with weights in the community.

So how is your February going? Are you getting your indoor projects done?


1 comment:

  1. Your fav cuz has lots of small projects: learning to deal with a boisterous new family member (Johnny, our 2 year old, male golden retriever), patiently waiting for our kitchen dining room to be finished (it's almost there!), getting some dental problems fixed, learning how to do some new things on my laptop computer, dealing with old age (80 in May!), and being thankful for all the good things in my life, (especially family!).
