
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, October 19, 2023


 When grief comes visiting, the memories hidden away in the far corners of my mind come to the forefront.

Apples and apple picking always remind me of the first time Adolph and I went to an event. A High School mate had an apple farm on Dufferin Street. So she had an apple picking party. Her Mom was quite surprised we actually picked several bushel baskets of apples. And at the end of the evening-well the first kiss or kisses. 

Halloween parties and Thanksgiving dinners come to mind.

Going trick and treating with the kids. Later Adolph would take them out while I dished out the candies.

Trips to farms in recent years with family to find the pumpkin.

Farms trips are the most fun. I always try to buy a product the particular farm makes. Like the bread and butter pickles. Love them on a burger.

So what are your October memories??



  1. In Manitoba, you can still buy pumpkins at roadsides, pay for them on the honour system in small huts. But, mostly, I look forward to buying sweet corn by the bagful. Nothing beats peaches and cream sweet corn!
