
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


 FOMO has become a source of contention for so many with the social media sites.

People see what others are doing and believe their lives are not great. Others have great lives and travel and social events.

Well don't always believe what you see on social media. Besides seeing 200 travel photos reminds me of childhood when family or friends would have a slide show of their vacation

I find my facebook page has some "friends" partying all the time. Eating out. Drinking. Travelling.

It is not necessary to post every day but some do. Okay for them.

For me FOMO raised its head when Adolph was sick and we did not do much.

But let me digress.

When we had money we did travel.

Circumstances changed so long trips became overnight trips. Like our 40th anniversary to Montreal and Ottawa. Others to Kingston and Niagara.

When we started the Granpalovestocook blog, our trips became farmer market day trips.

Our 45th anniversary was a boat cruise on the Toronto Harbour and a lunch with family in Kleinburg Ontario.

Adolph and I had our last market trip in 2016. As he became ill he only wanted to go to the Club to play cards.

Life changes. But does FOMO occur.

Not really. I had some community groups and some days out with friends here and there.

One friend thought I missed travel and told me the story of her friend who cared for her sick husband and when he died, she was happy to be able to travel again. As caring for her husband had been more of a burden of missing out on life. 

I did not respond as travelling with Adolph alive or even missing it was not in consciousness. 

Adolph did ask me a few months before he died what my first bereavement trip would be? I looked at him and said I had not even considered it. I think now he wanted me to be happy.

What I have stated often to friends and family, that being with Adolph loving, caring well just being with him had more purpose than anything else in my life. 

Travel is a luxury not a necessity in life. Travel with the right person does make the difference, doesn't it.

So from travel abroad or south to overnight to day to market trips and then bringing life to Adolph. No worry of FOMO.

The simplest events can be more rewarding than other events.

I have not had much travel in my life the last few year but I make the most of day trips, social events, movies, my community groups.

Lately attending as many of my Grandchildren's hockey games is good.  Movies with a daughter.

Life takes me where life takes me. 

I do have some bucket life items. Travel may be one of them one day.

But right now if invited I go. A birthday dinner. A coffee with a friend. Sometimes alone just to capture some photos.

So no FOMO in my world.

How about you? Does FOMO enter your life? Do others think your world is small because their world is great? Thoughts? Comments"


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