
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, December 10, 2022


 Have you ever been coerced into doing something you did not want to do?

I think all of us have had that happen to us.

I do not like to feel resentful but I do if I have to do something someone else wanted me to do.

So learning how to say no is important.

Not in a mean way but more assertive. Graceful. Gentle. And not having to explain the decision. 

Learning too when someone says no not be offended and expect an explanation.

Families are the worst for this decision. 

However saying no means that a little heat may occur. 

Being in groups and committees mean that everyone does not agree all the time. It is okay to vote against something. It may mean the group wants something but you do not agree.

Some leaders have a way of intimidating their group members to agreeing. 

Learning to decide when taking on too much means well it is too much.

So knowing what to do in a meaningful way is so important. 

Since I am on my own it is thought I want to be busy, busy, busy.

I want to do meaningful activities not just busy work. For example, one could vacuum every day and be busy. There is always something to do but for me I would rather say no than just be busy for the sake of being busy.

So saying no to activities is okay. No to things you really do not want to do. Taking a break before taking on more activities just for the sake of being busy.

And doing nothing while taking a walk bay be more meaningful than relentless busy work. 

And well take the heat because someone else does not like to hear the word no thank you.

How about you? Is it hard to say no to someone about an activity? Do you resent doing things you really do not want to do? Tell me your thoughts on the matter!!


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