
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


 We often get so wrapped up in the hoopla of the season.

But for Christians Jesus is the reason for the season. 

However there are other aspects as well.

1. The annual toy drives everywhere. Children of all backgrounds can get a toy. Not just those who celebrate Christmas. In Canada, diversity means that those of us who give to these drives just want to have all children included. If families want a picture with Santa, just go for it.

2. Food banks need our support. So extra donations are needed for all families of all backgrounds. Including some candy canes and other sweets that are popular this time of year helps to bring some extra  joy. It should be a remainder that help is needed all year long.

3. Supporting local businesses. Artists. Crafters. Going to church bazaars and events to support their causes and community efforts.

4. Attending concerts. Church services. Carol singing where songs give a chance for celebration. Including those from other faiths into our celebrations helps. We can be included in their celebrations too.

5. Family is important to me. As it is to others. Having meaningful times together give the season an opportunity to makes those connections stronger.

So cards, phone calls, emails, texting to keep connected with family and friends. December has 31 days to make it happen. Not just Christmas day. Taking time to slow down and have smaller meet and greets.

And remember to enjoy the festive decorations and lights everywhere. 

Do you have other reasons for the season?


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