
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 It sucks big time. 

With another lockdown in Ontario and children home from school until at least Feb. 10, the stress and demands are through the roof.

No one signed on for this. No one asked to be parent, teacher, worker- well you get the picture but you are.

Then having to lock down again and stay home makes it harder.

Trying to offer positive strategies for coping well is rather trite isn't it?

So I suggest.

You scream a little. Maybe even a lot.

Get a punching bag and punch it.

Go for an aggressive walk. Alone is best but maybe have one or two children along.

Any exercise that works for you. Movement helps.

When a lot of the stress is out maybe try these strategies.

Meditation works for some. I really do not do it. I knit. I crochet. It makes my hands busy and takes thoughts out of my head. So some crafting. Even teaching children to knit helps too. But finding a quiet space to rest your thoughts and body often during the day.

Music. Dance. 

Find a friend, a colleague, maybe even a Nana and bitch. Bitch a lot. Bitch about everything. Just try not to bitch at the children. It only teaches them to bitch back.

Realize this really sucks. I think I said it already.

Sometimes crying works. So cry. Ugly big fat cry face. What you are going through needs some crying so just do it.

Your mental health is at stake. Big time. So finding ways to know your stress, your anxiety, your potential road to depression means getting out all the real frustrations. They are not small. The pandemic is not small.

So maybe family group time to share feelings. Family group hugs. Some alone time with each child which makes it difficult for large family.  Some face time with other family members like Nana.

Getting through this is the goal. Remember people have died. Yes died. So just get through it. Alive and well is the goal.

We will get to the other side. The vaccine is here. Hope.

But parents. Your journey is huge. And you have come this far. I know it's an unfair race as the finish line keeps being moved. 

Hard to explain that one to your children. 

The example you set through all of this is being watched by your children. You are their heroes. 

Parents are the real heroes. So hang in there however you can. Just do it like some people say. 

Nana loves you all. Nana feels for you. Nana is there for you.


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