
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


 With a stay at home order due to COVID-19, it is hard to decide what can be done or not.

It is funny that I can stand by people in a grocery store with a mask. And not with family with a mask.

As a single I can gather with one other household. But I have decided to limit any outings even for groceries.

Bless online shopping.

Bought myself some birthday presents. I know the kids will come by with masks and physical distancing to wish me a happy birthday. Yes it works. I can sit outside with a parka.

Christmas was more stressful with the need to see people. Not so much now.

I find I look out the window at the back that lets me see across to the Esso station. I can watch cars coming and going.

I feed my birds and squirrels and watch them.

The natural light everywhere in my house.

My little jaunt- 200 yards each way to my mailbox makes me get outside daily.

I decided to use this stay at home time to get little projects done, read some books and well exercise with my home weights for toning.

Zoom meetings coming up this week so some intellectual stuff can happen as well.

It is hard for everyone so it is not personal. Although it feels personal sometimes.

So emails. Texting. Phone calls. Short walks around my house every hour or so. Told sitting too much is the new smoking. TV with a project in my hands to use the time wisely. 

How are you doing during these COVID times? How is your Mental Health? 


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