
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, January 9, 2021


 With soaring COVID-19 cases in Canada, school kids home with virtual learning for another two weeks prevails. How to support my children and grandchildren from a distance. Well the mask is always on.

So isolating and staying home as much as possible. I even limit any grocery outings to very few if any. Actually could eat up all the resources I do have at home. Well stocked. Besides if not an item there is always Take-Out of something to have a novel dinner item. I am actually bored of trying to cook for one.

Curb side drop with Anniversary goodies for my youngest daughter and spouse.

But the events in Washington were so disturbing on Wednesday. Yahoos and white supremacists guised as real supporters of that horrible man. I will not write his name here. Seeing Confederate flags in Washington. Seeing t-shirts with the date January 6, 2021-Civil War. To believe the fake news and the fake vote garbage is actually believed by many. Knowing that on the Dark Web garbage prevails too. 

Democracy is important. But we are warned in tough times that it is easier to see the rise of extreme conservative behaviour. Excuses to hurt others.

Do not be complacent. To protect our democracy we too must stand up for all that is good. Every vote counts but to respect others is fundamental to it.

Knowing America the strong has actually been such a divided nation in true colour. White and more white. Ashamed to think that many white people think it is okay to be so extreme.

And what does it do for Canada. We need to fix things here too. We need to be sensitive of our democracy and not let our crazies thrive. We know there are people here who think what happened was okay. They believe the rhetoric. 

So as January proceeds the hope of more Vaccinations being put in the arms of Canadians. Hope here. I can not wait for my turn to be in line for mine.

For me trying to connect with friends and family. Emailed previous work colleagues with a message of support. 4 responses and a phone call. Felt good. I feel I have lots to offer so thinking of personal and professional ways of reaching out to people. It helps them but it also helps me to stay connected.

Of course, January with Adolph's birthday and mine. The blahs anyway with all the hoopla of Christmas being over. To find ways not to sink into a low mood. My grief continues.

TV Shows

Online movies

Books. Although I read more magazines right now. Like the short articles. 

Luckily I have my crafts.  Knitting. Crocheting. Starting a t-shirt quilt. What was I to do with all the t-shirts of Adolph? The memories. So saw the idea of using them in a quilt or in my case it will be a crazy quilt blanket of sorts. Then what to do with the scrapes. Well use them to stuff some cushions I intend to make. Yay. Yay. I know using more resources at hand. But really I go through the motions. They keep me busy to help heal my heart.

So 16,900 deaths from COVID, limited activities, using my creativity in a variety of ways. I love the news but I find myself turning it off more recently.

So how is your January going? Do you feel the blah of all the recent events?


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