
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Grandparents just like parents vary in shape, knowledge, age and availability. Some are handons. Some see grandchildren at special events, get a picture then are off to their life.
Do grandparents have to be involved with their grandchildren? Already raised their own.
Some children do expect their parents to be their full time babysitters for all the preschool years. Others just appreciate all the support as it is given. So for this Nana, handons but not full time. Available as much as I can be but without interfering in the lives of the families. I need my grandchildren fix. When I do not see them for awhile, well I miss them. The other main point is to establish a relationship. It does not happen with 5 minute happenings. Spending time with them. Talking with them. Doing things. If possible some one on one. When they are all together, they play and sneak cookies from Nana and make lots of noise- well good noise. But alone so this Nana can get to know the child and listen to the child. Am I a good grandparent? Well best to ask the grandchildren how I am doing!!

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