
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, April 20, 2018


Okay the snow and freezing rain and cold and ice can go anytime. April Showers bring May flowers so what does April snow bring. Perhaps lots of moisture in case we have a dry summer so water will go to the deep roots. April plans of putting out the patio furniture so Adolph can get outside and enjoy some fresh air. Well so I can enjoy some outdoor reading too! Shovelling snow in April is the pits. Well I was locked in my driveway for 3 days as being the corner lot I had a 2 foot high and 3 foot wide band on the road that could not be hand shovelled. Snow boulders. Now a little lane way to get me to the road.
Don't you just envy the person on the corner. The contract for the backhoe to clear the road must have ended in March. Could not move those boulders! Then the plow came around a second time and dumped the mountain of snow right in front of my driveway on the road. So the girls tell me there is a town grant for Seniors to have work done on snow removal. Guess I will be applying for it next year. How is the snow in your area? 


  1. remember the squeaky wheel ... mention medical needs of Adolf ... say you'd hate to see it get in the paper
