
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


A day to recognize women. International Women's Day. Equality. Respect. Dignity. Mothers. Women. Workers. Wives. Friends. Daughters. But there are places in the world where women are still treated as second class citizens. Underpaid. Overused. Abused.
Then look to home. Just over a 100 years since women were able to vote. Still some are experiencing negative aspects in their lives.  Is there still a glass ceiling? Women must take time to have the babies and often time off work too.
Advances in health care has saved lives but still women in parts of the world do not receive the same health care. It is simple- if we take care of the women- we take care of the men and boys and the girls. A healthy baby- male or female is needed in this world.
A working woman brings home income to the family. Sharing responsibilities with the men in her life.
So celebrating and reflecting what it means to have a day!
1975 was the first time the day was really celebrated. The Why Not was the mantra.


  1. Good post, Barb! Women need to have their stories told.

  2. Your bookstore has books on women who were/are heros, for young people and older people.
