
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Now that school is in full swing. Homework. Extracurricular activities. Early mornings. Late nights. Then the lessons and all the planning. October brings the new month of staying in the groove. The groove can be very tiring. So with a long weekend how to try to keep the school needs at bay. Well perhaps any homework, get it done Friday night so the weekend is free. Outdoor trips that may help coordinate the school needs. Are there lessons in science about trees? Collect leaves! Are there lessons about environment? Then a farm trip or trip into the city! Try to help your family have some fun with all the demands that are needed. So School needs can be incorporated into family needs too. Keep in touch with your children's teachers. Have home conversations about friends. Know who your children's friends are! Remember school is a part of your child's life. It is not their whole life. Although it can feel like the school has more control in your life. Especially if your child has some issues and you get calls from school. Keep it separate from home life. Give everyone a break. Embrace what school brings to our lives. If time be a volunteer there or send items that the teacher can use in lessons. No matter what, you are the parent and the most important person in your child's life. Challenges will happen. Grab onto them and find ways to solve, cope and sometimes just survive. School and home can be one of those huge challenges.

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