
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 30, 2017


On Halloween Eve, are you ready for the trick and treaters. How to enjoy the day.

1. It is fun . People decorated their lawns, their doors and the pumpkin farmers are rewarded for their hard work.

2. You get to shell out candies and stuff to the children in your neighbourhood. I give cans of pop and candies. For years I have been known as the " pop lady"!

3. People are happy at work. Some come dressed in costumes. Others just smile at those who are dressed.

4. Buying all those candies and stuff helps the Canadian economy. Just do an Internet search to determine how much is actually spent. Then watch for the sales and you can use the little chocolate bars at Christmas too.

5. It is just a good reason to get out of the normal activities. So dress up, get ready for the day and well the night. Let's hope it is good weather for the little ones and the big ones taking their kids out. Lots of outdoor lights for them to see their way.

Happy Halloween Eve!

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