
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


As a grandparent, I always get the flu shot to try to deter any illnesses coming from me. So parents think about it for yourselves too.
Do you have backup as parents when children get sick? Day cares have strict rules on when children can return after fevers, colds etc. Do you save some vacation or personal days for such occurrences?
Grandparents are good backup as needed. Depending on the age of the child, we can be helpful. The toddlers are more demanding so would not be left with Grandpa!
What about those remedies? Cough syrup, tyelenol syrup, drops for pink eye, doctor's phone numbers, walk in clinics- well you know the drill. Having your own little home pharmacy for both child and adult helps when illness starts to occur.
If one parent needs to stay home, do you have your car pools arranged. You help others and they help you.
Lessons need to occur. If needed can you take your sick child to work for short periods?
Fall/Winter are the heavy duty times for illness. So prevention is the best cure! Getting rest, eating healthy and taking vitamins may help!
What are your startegies!

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