
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


New parents want to do it right. There is so much advice from family, friends and the Internet. Not much has changed. Babies cry, eat, poop and and need lots of cuddles. Babies come one of two ways. Mothers need to recover from the birthing experience. Skin to skin, kangaroo care or whatever we call it is good for all as it helps with the bonding. It is 24/7 which can be such an eye opener for all. Sleep or little sleep is so stressful for the new parents. How to be good support means ebbing and flowing with the new parents. Bring food. Let the Mom have a shower. If older children take them out and entertain them to give some relief in the home. Or take care of the baby so Mom and Dad can get out for some time. Even a quick coffee alone somewhere can be supportive. The best advice is to be a good listening ear. Let the new parents know you care without being overwhelming to them. If a grandparent, time to develop a relationship with the grandchildren.

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