
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


As Summer is winding down, Fall is fast approaching. So how to enjoy it.

1. The colours. The changing trees. The country drives to view the colours. Of course the Fall pictures.

2. The Fall markets. The pumpkins, The squash. The potatoes. The Mums.
The bales of hay. Supporting the local farmers is always a wonderful Canadian tradition.

3. Apple picking. For young families, it is a must. For the grandparents, go with the children and enjoy the farms. Brooks Farm near us is a wonderful fun adventure day for all.

4. Cleaning up the gardens. Planning for the Spring. Do any bulbs need to be planted for that array of Spring bulbs to come alive? Do you have lots of pine cones? So keep some to use in decorating.

5. Of course, outdoor fall decorations are fun. Mid- fall the Halloween stuff comes out.

Fall is also a time for planning festive and fun events. Christmas at the end so obtaining items to use for gifts and decorations can be good. The cooler weather is better for sleeping for those with respiratory health problems. So get those folks out and about. Staying indoors can be so socially isolating.

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