
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Compassion. Care. Being aware of world events is important for children. But the fine line of informing without traumatizing them is important too.
The images on TV. The talk. With fires and hurricanes and floods in North America, it is difficult to keep all the information and images toned down.
So answer questions as children ask them. Do something to help. See kids- we are making a donation to Red Cross. This is how it helps.
I love the food bank drives at schools on special occasions. A simple way for children to be involved without traumatizing.They start to have a community conscience at a basic level. It is an activity that helps others locally. Doing activities to raise money for local hospitals and charities.
If you have lived through a natural disaster, get the support and help you need. Children need to process and that process could take years.
For adults, we can experience natural disaster burnout too. It is tough seeing those images and not asking- gee could it happen to me.
So letting children feel they are helping other children. For example, buying new socks for a drive where clothes and toiletries are needed. They are part of the solution. Teaching every little bit helps because it becomes a big bit.
One person can not save the world. But one person's part as part of the larger collective does help. One action at a time. Children can get that!

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