
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


As school is winding down, parents are winding up. Gifts for teachers. End of school activities. Worried about those final marks and what class the child will go next year. Finishing elementary school and heading to High School in the Fall. So deciding which High School to attend if it had already been decided earlier in the year. Then the big wait for acceptance at colleges and universities for those Senior students. Waiting to see if scholarships or bursaries have been awarded to offset tuition and residence fees. Signing up the little ones too for Junior Kindergarten in the Fall. So June that summery month before the summer vacation can feel more like the frenzy of the Christmas season. Then throw in some birthdays, anniversaries and Father's day- a busy month for all parents. The dance recital or sports banquets that occur. Of course- swimming, soceer, basement lessons are happening too! So how to cope- one event at a time. Maybe even combine some if possible. If several children, then each parent takes a school event separately. Perhaps cut down on the number of lessons over the summer and do more outings with a learning component. I used to take my girls to a lake or pool to consolidate those swimming skills rather than lessons. A summer camp may include swimming lessons as part of their package if it is important. Get through the busy month with some planning for some summer fun! Of course there are always grandparents ready to assist!

1 comment:

  1. don't get caught up in all the busyness ... down time is important
