
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Having attended the OGS-Ontario Genealogical Society- 2016 Conference in Toronto Ontario June 3-June 5, I came away with some renewed energy. Having followed the rules of organization, numbering system of charts and of course citing my sources, my work is quasi organized for the next round. The digital work is waiting. A good scanner to take many notes and documents from paper to computer files is on the horizon. One workshop told how important it is to put the family tree lines online to connect with others and to have a real place to store the data. The 3 place rule and 15 km rule- a way to let others have one's data so in case of some disaster or theft- well the information is secure. So family out there be prepared in the next year to be receiving some data in one form or another!! Yes I know who would really want to steal 15+ binders of our family history? Going from binders to digital sounds good but like other aspects of my life I will find a way to combine both. There is something about reading everything online that bothers me. It is still easier to pick up a book or in the genealogy world a binder and flip through the pages for the information. So some digital but reducing the paper clutter and downsizing the binder information is coming for me as well. It became clear from other family historians that many members of their families are not interested in all the information and may burn it all after their deaths!! Not sure if my children do feel the same! The good thing is knowing I have a plan and lots of organized information already. My yellow pedigree binder was well organized 20 years ago! The new databases online and my membership in Find My Past-based in Britain will help me add new tidbits to family lines. From many presenters lots of information about databases for varieties of information.  A way to enrich the stories of my family's ancestors. My need to write will be there as writing up various stories can create an opportunity to submit to the various branches where I am a member and send the articles to relevant family members. Gives some needed information for the various newsletters as well as the continued goal to organize more, write, put the information out there and yes share. Respecting the rules and the ethical ones of genealogy- no distinct information of anyone born after 1916- the 100 year rule of respecting the privacy of the living! Some modern descendants may say where I am- I will give you paper version but not put you on the Internet family tree sites- understand! The copyright rule of others that have done the work. Not taking all of some one's work without credit and claiming as one's own!The years of research and organization must always be honoured by all. Back to cite your sources, give credit always to the researcher and we are told to ask permission to use their data the way it was organized.   Due to my early childhood difficulties, part of the reason to keep information off the Internet has been respecting my own Mom. So it is time to get into the 21st century. For the record, I had my DNA done as now there is DNA Genealogy! It has actually been around for about a decade or more but I had the opportunity at the conference to get tested. When I get my results, that information can be shared here on my blog. So how to help me write more about the family may lead to a regular post feature- monthly or bimonthly here on my very own blog. There are many genealogists who have family blogs or write their genealogy on a blog but for me my blog- Reflective Thoughts by Barbara is more varied! I want to keep it that way. I love genealogy but also gardening, photography, my clinical work, featuring my postcard collection etc. However, my blog does give that forum to put some family stories like I did and shared my cousin Roy's information on our grandfather Ernie Ellis that fought at Vimy Ridge! It was a good post combing family, a historical event and honouring our service men and women. So still feeling a little exhausted as returning to work after a whole weekend which started Friday night has left me pondering and thinking. I look at the task ahead but when I think of 32 years ago when I started the genealogy journey it is not so overwhelming. I just wish spell check would check the dates I will need to input. Typos are my greatest fear!!

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