Halloween is always a fun way to end the month of October. It is also an end to sneaking those little chocolate bars bought at part of the treats to be given to those trick and treaters coming to the house. Even at work events have boxes of chocolate as treats for the event. Enjoying seeing all the children little and big in costume is a reminder of olden times- I mean the times I went out in costume. It was a night my mother would put makeup on me which I thought was great. One lady around the corner always made candy apples which ran out quickly when word got out. Adolph reminded me of those Halloween kiss candies given. How some people would give one candy or one peanut as the goodie for the bag! Then going home and the big people wanting to raid your bag. I am the pop lady- one can of pop and a bag of candies- 5-6 items to those who come to my door. If too many leftovers, they are taken to work for staff to finish them off. You understand- if left at home- well the two big kids here would only eat them! So beware of the ghosts and goblins but most of all be a kid at heart enjoying the day and the excitement of those young ones coming to you door!
Enjoy all those little pumpkins- big and small!!
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
October 29th- What an amazing night! I attended the opening of the Special Exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum entitled " Classroom to Community: A Century of Social Work in Toronto." Entering through the new doors on Bloor Street, a stringed Quartet was playing music to set the mood. Food stations, wine and conversation were the hit of the evening. Speeches of course thanking and acknowledging generations of Social Workers. Cheryl Regher once Dean of the Faculty is now the Provost for the University. Honouring the work accomplished in the city by Social Workers is written in a book given to everyone who attended. Lots of historical pictures and text. The Faculty is now called- Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work due to a large donation by Factor-Inwentash to promote research and excellence in social work practice. Masters, Doctorate and post doctorate courses are the norm. There are combined degrees of Social Work and Law as well as Social Work and a MBA. Being with a room full of Social Workers was rewarding. Being asked by very young students- are you still working was challenging. They were younger than my daughters!! The fun of being downtown with the ambiance and lights, travelling home by subway to be picked up at the Finch station by my husband reminded me of my young days as a student. Hard to believe it will be 40 years in the spring since I graduated from the Faculty. I plan to take my granddaughter for a ROM visit and to see the exhibit to show her what her Nana did in her youth. Reflection of an education is always a good thing!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The lawn decorations. The costumes. The candies. Halloween has become a major event for little children and big ones too. The door to door trick and treating is Friday. But many people have had parties and parks- major theme events- like Wonderland with its Haunted Halloween and Bruce's Mill with the Police Safety Village for the celebration. Across the country, costumes galore have jumped off the shelves for the night ahead of us. Doing it safely is always the goal. Going out in groups often accompanied by parents has become the norm. Checking all the candy and goodies before it is eaten is a safe practice. In my neighbourhood, I am the Pop lady. Give out a can of pop with a little bag of Halloween treats. I give goodies that are peanut and nut free. With two grandchildren with allergies, I try to be respectful of all children coming to my door. So enjoy Halloween. My tough decision-how do I dress to greet the kids coming to my door. Children love to see adults getting in the mood.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Life is like the street where you live. Each season brings a change of scenery. The trees grow. Neighbours become your friends then decide to move away and new people arrive. Of course, ripping out whatever the old neighbours had making the home new for them. Children grow up and leave. People become older then move away so younger ones can come. There is a sense of security knowing your area. Watching out for strangers. Protecting the children. But knowing to mind your own business. Appreciating the gardens and the work others do. Being a good neighbour and home owner. Doing one's duty to keep one's property clean and neat. Streets throughout the world are safe havens for their residents. What is your street like? How does it reflect the life you live?
Monday, October 27, 2014
Enjoying the Fall cleanup! Yes! Before we need it, the yard will be winter ready and just need to concentrate on indoor activities. More reading. Hand crafts. Organizing all the written projects like the family history binders. Checking out the best digital and computer program to organize online. I had a program years ago but did not understand it very well. With the change of computers, perhaps it is time to revisit it. The tedious task is inputting all the details- one person at a time. Never liked being a data entry clerk!! There is something pleasurable about revisiting the correspondence over the years from fellow family historians in hard copy form. Hard to squeeze all the work compiled in single names on paper! Genealogy entails the whole story about a person and family not just the bare details. Like my cousin Roy who years ago provided information on his speciality- bugs and all the writings he had done. The information adds depth to the family's story. See- more than just a birth date and location. So with one methodical project put to rest, the reorganization of the family history binders will begin. Of course, buying pretty coloured binders for the job was fun too. One of my goals is to write short articles for each of the genealogical societies where my family roots are located. So far 2 out of 8 are done. Unlike this blog that is easy and breezy to write- genealogical articles must be precise information, dates correct and the sources of all information must be cited. Some people believe those ads- just type in a name and your family history will emerge. Actually it is more like detective work. However if you are lucky, there is someone in the family that will do it for you. So the computer and sending files by email will take the work away! Eventually! Not today! Photocopying pages for interested parties is time consuming and expensive!! So one family line at a time will be scrutinized and reviewed. All the good tidbits and stories will be saved too! Like family letters written in a person's handwriting are so endearing. What are your plans now that the Fall cleanup is almost behind you? Do you have winter projects planned?
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Yesterday, October 24, 2014 CPL Nathan Cirillo- our young army reservist killed at the War Memorial was brought from Ottawa where he was gunned down back to Hamilton-his home. In Ontario along a long stretch of the 401-the MacDonald-Cartier freeway- it is entitled the Highway of Heroes. Armed Forces personnel killed in action would travel this route from Trenton to Toronto. Canadians from every walk of life line the overpasses along the highway-many emergency vehicles like fire trucks, ambulance, police cars and just ordinary citizens. Usually the procession of cars and the hearse carrying a body would go into Toronto to the Coroner's Office. The route yesterday went up the 404/Don Valley Highway to the 407/ETR to go to 403 into Hamilton. The outpouring of support was very intense. To have the procession go through York Region where I live was incredible. To see a sea of red and white- Canadians dressed in these colours and the flags- white and red with the large maple leaf in the middle made us proud from sea to sea to sea. The news crews fly overhead giving a detailed description of where the procession was for several hours and Canadians were waiting to honour this young man and give support to his family. It is what Canadians do. We are peaceful, loving people but when push come to shove, we care and honour our own. What happened this week will not change us! We have always been strong and free. To Canada, you made all of us proud this week. The families in Hamilton and Quebec who lost favoured sons this week know we love them and they will not be forgotten. Look at the memorial that opened in Newfoundland yesterday too. It honours all those lost in the Afghanistan mission. To all our responders-Armed Forces, police, firemen, cadets and those who serve the public in government services- Canada thanks you!
The Maple Leaf forever!
The Maple Leaf forever!
Friday, October 24, 2014
This is one wreath made with pine cones over the years. Maybe this year a pine cone wreath will be in your plans. Are you ready for some seasonal crafts?
Thursday, October 23, 2014
It will take more than acts of terrorism to change our great nation. Canadians coast to coast go about their days to make the Canada the nation it is-loving their families, working, helping their neighbours and mostly believing in peace. Our ancestors fought in wars to bring the life and peace we have today. I am sad that members of our Armed Forces lost their lives in these recent events. Mostly I am angry that there are beliefs in the world that have no respect for human life. Let all Canadians and people of the world pray, work and continue to believe in bringing better lives to all through good health care, education, housing and opportunities to work and put food on the table for families- love of life. Like Prime Minister Harper said- we will not be intimidated. Nor should you!
The Maple Leaf forever!
The Maple Leaf forever!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Parenting brings lots of work and busyness for any parent. Regardless of the help and participation Dads bring to the table, many tasks and activities continue to fall to Moms. Learning how to share the load and encouraging children-even little ones to do some tasks takes time and dedication. Often it is just easier to do it yourself!! However, there can be a banner carried secretly by showing the world- look at me, look at what I am doing, look at how busy I am- my busy is busier than your busy! Finding ways to find time to do things that are not parenting things can be difficult. Yes I know- many people have Nannies and full time housekeepers- those mothers have it very easy. I am talking about the couples who do it all themselves. The Mom with the full time job, cleans their own home and the numerous lessons is the one I worry will not know when to stop. Using other generations in the family can be helpful. My husband and I do provide some overnight babysitting so the couples in our lives can have a "date night" alone without the children. As long as they make a deal not to talk about the children. So Moms find ways to find yourself. Many women like the idea of gym time, go for a run or walk, clubs, committees or other activities outside the home that do not include their normal chores. For the generations before you- we get it, we have done that and been there. No one said raising a family would be easy!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Time to put the boat away and plan for winter sports. The same water that enjoyed boating in the warm weather becomes a haven for the ice fishermen. Revisiting the same spot during all the seasons reveals the changing seasons. This little spot at Palmer Park in Port Perry at the south end of Lake Scugog, is a favourite 1/2 day jaunt for Adolph and me. I took a little walk along the shoreline one last time this year, probably returning in the Spring. Do you have favourite places to visit? Photos during all the seasons can be a statement of life.
Monday, October 20, 2014
The Canadian geese take a little break from the flight south for the winter. Flocking up, they make for wonderful Fall images. Due to the warmer weather in cities, some actually stay around for the winter months. They can look good but for most beaches and homeowners they are very messy and dirty. Be sure to duck if a flock goes over!
Can you hear the swishing of the leaves as you walk along this lane? Do you feel the cool breeze on your face? As you gather some leaves to press in a book for a project or just to have as a souvenir of the day, does the texture stimulate your hands? What do you smell? Fall with its simple beauty is a regular phenomenon in Canada. Here in Ontario there is a joy of a simple country drive to see the colours- the reds, the oranges, the yellows- as the deciduous trees lose their leaves and sleep for the winter.
The green coniferous trees keep their green as markers on the woods' edge. A photo can not capture the feelings when viewed live but it tries.
The green coniferous trees keep their green as markers on the woods' edge. A photo can not capture the feelings when viewed live but it tries.
Friday, October 17, 2014
No trespassing! Conjures up lots of thoughts and images. It is like telling someone strongly, it belongs to me and stay off. Sometimes we are asked questions about ourselves and really want to say, it's none of your business! Perhaps wearing a sign- no trespassing would suffice. The question I usually want to ask- is why do you need to know that about me! The whole gossips thing!! Never liked it as a child and even less now!! I find people will tell me what they want. Being an open book with the world is not always a good thing. Yes I know there are many that like to brag about how much money they have, what is in their bank account, how expensive their items like clothes, cars and furniture cost them and their friends, family, relationship is the best and so wonderful. Do we really want to know about some one's sex life!! Yeah, you get it. Having confidants in our lives are necessary. Good to have friends or family that all can be shared with them as needed. Parents can keep some information private from children and vice versa- especially older children. Actually most of my private information is not really that interesting. I don't call myself Boring Barb for nothing!!
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Feeling good about oneself brings a degree of good self-esteem. Finding happiness in life can often be connected to things! The - if only I had more money I would be happy!! Then why are there so many people with money bored and snorting drugs to be happy and people with ordinary jobs and an hourly wage actually enjoying life. Look at the grandparent in the park with a favourite grandchild! Look at the person jogging or cycling or doing a dance- happiness and joy. There are days I feel damn lucky to be alive. Recently walking to work, with the maple leaves on the sidewalk, I see pleasurable images, wishing I had my camera to capture them. I hear birds sing and duck when flocks of geese fly over honking. Enjoying the simple moments of life. Sure I buy lottery tickets and would love to win a big jackpot but if I don't my life will go on! Oh I sound like a Celine Dion song!! With all the bad news in the world, I still try to believe in the good things about life and people. I want to believe the conflict areas in the world will get the support they need and well the people can be resilient and carry on!! The question- is there something I can do to make the world a better place? Aging puts some things in perspective. One can be bitter about the life given or be thankful for the opportunity to keep on ticking!! One of the most difficult things for me is to listen to the 30 somethings and 40 somethings talk about life and what is important! I really can not relate anymore as I have done that and been there. So listening is good! Glad to be well enough to enjoy life. Coming to terms with the fact that many things I wanted in life did not happen but other things did!! Yes wishing I had my camera on me all the time because I see and hear many simple things in life that bring me pleasure!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Picking the right Halloween costume for your little ones can be fun or stressful. I like the fun part. There are so many premade ones to buy or order. Superheroes to princesses to whatever you want. I used to make the costumes for my kids. It was fun. Putting together an outfit can use many items around the house. One could analyse the costume a child picks. It tells something about character and interests. Remember Halloween for children is one of the most important events outside Christmas. So what would you like to wear. I know every adult is really a kid at heart.
October 15th has been designated as a day to remember those who have experienced a pregnancy and infant loss. Although the life has been so short, the loss to the couple and family has devastating effects. If you have experienced such a loss, you are remembered. If you know someone who has experienced such a loss, let the person talk or find a way to honour the loss. The little ones are gone but not forgotten. I have never known a woman whether 25 or 95, when asked " how many children do you have?", will always mention the ones she lost- miscarriage, stillborn, infant death. It does not matter to the woman. A loss is a loss! If needed, you can find a support group or agency in your area that support such losses. Or email me- abdm@rogers.com and I can provide some supports for you.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
With all the leftover Thanksgiving turkey and the trimmings, it brought to mind some thoughts on life. So much goes into preparing for a large family feast, the shopping, the cleaning, the cooking, the serving and the cleanup. Like life, we busy ourselves with so many activities like saving for a trip, paying off a mortgage, downsizing- well you get the picture. Lots of work and activity then when all is said and done- time to stop and reap the harvest so to say. Enjoy all the hard work. Enjoy the leftovers- our leftovers. Time to breath after all the preparation. Feeling the muscles in the body from the scrubbing and stretching that comes with cleaning. Eating pie for lunch- especially pumpkin pie with whipped cream. I know there are people that would say retirement feels a lot like that!! The leftovers from a life of hard work. As we all know, leftovers are quite good if prepared the way we like them.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Having an amazing Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, the real Thanksgiving day, i.e. the Monday is a good day to eat leftovers and putter. A day off from work is always enjoyable. Just being thankful to be home and doing my own stuff at my own pace. Long weekends make for shorter work weeks. So there is the added bonus of being closer to the next weekend. Work is good but time to regroup energy and finish some home projects is good too. Enjoying the family is so high on my list that it is hard to wait for the next time to see my children and families. Thinking about being thankful always conjures up memories. Thanksgiving past with family comes to mind. A different set of family members but the feeling and tradition permeates to this modern time. Do you ever find the smell of turkey cooking to be so pleasurable? Pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Butter tarts or lemon tarts. Sitting around a dining room or kitchen table eating together! Laughing and talking! Along with the eating are the thoughts of missing those no longer with us! So being thankful they were in our lives in the first place. So holidays can bring some melancholy thoughts too. How about you? Do you find yourself thinking of others? Do you miss someone today? Raise a glass and give a toast to life!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The sun rises, we have a day and the sun sets. Sometimes just thinking about all our blessings that occur in a day is enough to last a lifetime. Happy Thanksgiving as we all count our blessings!
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Thanksgiving in Canada occurs the second weekend in October. It is a celebration of the harvest. A time to be thankful for the many blessings in one's life. Churches will have a cornucopia of fall vegetables and other symbols. People thinking about what they have in their lives to give thanks. For me- family is the main one!The traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings will be served coast to coast. My festive meal will include the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, 2 types of squash- butternut and acorn, sweet potato, peas, beans, rapini, brussel sprouts, , Italian sausage and of course the favourite of everyone- the bread stuffing handed down through the generations. My appetizers will include prosciutto on bread sticks, cheese slices, cucumber slices, crackers, olives, pickled artichokes and cantaloupe slices. So the great Canadian tradition has incorporated a little Italian flavour! Wine, beer and other beverages of choice will be on the table. Dessert of pumpkin and apple pies with whipped cream or ice cream. Even some lemon and butter tarts- very Canadian! The best thing is the leftovers the next day! Lots of cooking for one day but worth the effort. So what are you waiting for, get cooking!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Thanksgiving is a celebration of the harvest and giving thanks for the bounty. In Canada it really does honour the history of the country. the traditional foods of turkey, cranberries, mashed potatoes and squash along with some sweet potato and any vegetable of choice, it is a time to eat well.
Corn on the cob is a reminder of the First Nations people who populated the various areas of Canada. Here in York Region, just above Toronto, the Huron Nation was once a proud people who used many crops but mostly corn as their staple to survive the winter. It can be added to the holiday meal. Of course, pumpkin pie is a must.
Oh Thanksgiving! The thought of all the good food just makes me hungry.
Corn on the cob is a reminder of the First Nations people who populated the various areas of Canada. Here in York Region, just above Toronto, the Huron Nation was once a proud people who used many crops but mostly corn as their staple to survive the winter. It can be added to the holiday meal. Of course, pumpkin pie is a must.
Pumpkins large and small can be found in markets, coast to coast. Oh Thanksgiving! The thought of all the good food just makes me hungry.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
The CN Tower can be seen from most locations in Toronto- east and west. From the northern regions it stands out as a beacon. It gives us a sense of direction. South on Lake Ontario. A landmark! A place to visit! Pride for those workers that helped to build it! Life has many landmarks for us. In our lives, most of us have something that helps to give us direction- family, faith, profession, friendship- alone or together as a whole. We need a beacon. A reference point to keep going! So no matter which way we look there is a symbol to anchor us. Belonging to a social group, a culture, blending with other cultures or standing alone! Knowing who we are! And feeling good about it! As the CN Tower can be a structure in the GTA, what anchors you? What is your landmark or beacon? What keeps you grounded? Is it a symbolic landmark or real?
Fall is a great time to gather natural craft supplies for those winter and Christmas projects. Pine cones! A great resource for wreaths, corsages and any idea that comes to mind. I have 3 large bags in the garage waiting to be turned into viable crafts. If not used, they are great in a natural fireplace helping to get a roaring fire started. Children love making crafts from them. In Ontario with our variety of pine trees, well there are a variety of pine cones to be found and used. How about you- do you like to use them in your holiday and craft ideas?
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Counting our blessings should be a daily occurrence even in the midst of any hardship. Children learn by example. So if your energy is negative children learn to complain and be negative or may want to avoid you! Thanking people! Recognizing thoughtful acts! Just feeling blessed to be alive- enjoying something about each day! So thanksgiving themes are a good time to talk, teach and show our children and families gratitude. I remember on what little outing with the grandchildren- I asked as I always do- what did you like best about the day. Then I asked what do you think I liked best about the day. One of my little grandsons said sheepishly- I know Nana. It was being with us!! When children know they are one of your greatest blessings, well the message has been delivered hasn't it!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Planning and having goals in life are important. Being aware of pitfalls in financial and retirement planning are thrown at us constantly. In my work, however, when someone has received a poor diagnosis, these rules of life change. Putting affairs in order if they are not already done can be important. Then suggesting- don't look too far down the road! People want to know if they will be cured, is there a time frame- well you get the picture. Living for today and planning for tomorrow's appointment become the new norm. Going for treatment and waiting for results are part of a new life. But having a big party and events that bring meaning are equally important too. How does one want to spend the rest of his/her life? So does this advice hold true for most of us every day! Yes would be my answer. Do you know how often I hear someone in their 30s saying- I can't wait until I retire! I can't wait until the children are older! Do they not realize he/she will be 20-30 years older? Really, one wants to be 20 years older!! Now! Today! I wanted my littlest grandchild not to hurry and get older! Staying a baby just a little bit longer would be my preference! She has insisted on crawling and wanting to grow- go figure! Another reason not to look too far down the road in life- do we all really want to know what waits for us? If we all knew how much time we have in life, would we use it well anyway? Or would we just fret and fret some more! I like preparing for events by being methodical. clean one room at a time. Food organized. But I also like to live each day. Put meaning in it. And don't look too far down the road! Remember you could miss what is right beside you and it could be a missed opportunity!
Monday, October 6, 2014
A quick drive around some roads near our home brought some pleasurable images.
Fences, fields and a view of the trees changing colours made the Sunday jaunt full of photo opportunities.
End of season flowers ready for seeds to be saved for the next year.
In another week the trees should be even more spectacular to see. How are your country drives? Canada sure has some pretty scenery to see and photograph. Don't wait- get out and take some pictures.
Fences, fields and a view of the trees changing colours made the Sunday jaunt full of photo opportunities.
End of season flowers ready for seeds to be saved for the next year.
In another week the trees should be even more spectacular to see. How are your country drives? Canada sure has some pretty scenery to see and photograph. Don't wait- get out and take some pictures.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Being well stocked with household items is a Canadian tradition. Preparing for the cold with lots of supplies like the pioneers who made sure the wood shed was full of logs for those winter fireplaces. In modern times, we are told to have many emergency items in the home like batteries, a flashlight, bottled water and it would even help to have some cash in case the bank machines are done. There is a logic to emergency preparedness. However every situation can not be anticipated. Just having the essentials to survive may or may not be enough. Natural events surprise us. A summer storm could create a flooded basement on a quiet street away from any river. Winds any time of the year from any kind of storm may bring damage. Years ago we had a wind storm that bent my wooden fence in the backyard. Strange, eh! Emergencies make us react quickly! The impact can leave emotional scars that may heal or not! Life can have many times where the unexpected happens! To try to be prepared for everything is not real. Having insurance helps! Getting our flu vaccine every Fall to try to fend off the flu. Finding the balance between living for now and preparing for the future can be disconcerting! So a home with supplies for many seasons may be the answer. How do you prepare for the "unexpected" events in your life? What emergency stocks do you keep?
Friday, October 3, 2014
October is a good month. Time for Thanks with Thanksgiving around the corner. Garden cleanup and bags of yard waste to the curb. Some Fall cleaning with donations to charities of clothes and other household items. Hoping for those wonderful Indian Summer days. The markets have the Fall vegetables like apples, squash and lots of pumpkins for pies and Halloween. Continuing with projects and starting some new ones. The indoors needs lots of attention because the outdoors always is so much work. Finding all those little and big dust bunnies in the house to clean. Organize for the busy days ahead. You know the C word!! Taking time to babysit the grandchildren to help those working daughters and spouses- giving them a little break. Planning and doing activities methodically gives an ebb and flow to life. Putting simple, ordinary activities in my life, well gives me a life. Yes, I put work in between all of this. These home projects keep me sane. When work is exhausting and emotionally draining, the simple projects bring some peace to my life. At this stage of my life, I am looking to what legacy do I want to leave my family and this world. So working on different projects, step by step, it comes together. The legacy does not have to huge. So in your life, what gives you a life? Are you trying to find a legacy to give the world? Have you already contributed something and feel good about it? Why not use the month of October- in between summer and Christmas to reflect, review and renew!!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
The Fall with its colourful leaves everywhere brings many images. Yellow, orange and red! The swishing sound when walking through them taps the senses. Children collect leaves for school projects. Everyone can find a pressed leaf or two between the pages of a thick book on a library shelf- memories of past endeavors. Raking them off the lawn and putting them on flower beds to cushion the bulbs deep in the soil from the blast of winter snow. Time to explore the city and country for the splendour of the Fall!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Participating in fund raisers for special causes, give children of all ages a chance to run, jump rope, walk, play road hockey or paddle a dragon boat for the event. Letting children know our loved ones are not forgotten opens the door for dialogue about the people who left our lives. That's why the Ice Bucket challenge brought so much awareness to ALS-Lou Gherig's disease- without being preachy. Right now there are so many Cancer events. it is easy to join one or just give a small donation to sponsor someone. Pick another cause or hospital or organization- calling it your own! It is not necessary to try to cover all the causes but focus on one gives your children a chance to begin to see the community and their part in it. For example, in Canada the Terry Fox run has become a popular one. Schools across Canada hold small runs in Terry's honour so on an individual basis so the children can contribute to the bigger cause. February can be jump rope for Heart and Stroke. The list goes continues. So in little ways children are learning to be part of the larger causes that can have lifelong lessons for them.
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