
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, May 30, 2024



Strong, independent women has similar qualities.

Even in a marriage the strength can be there. 

Not all single women or widows may be strong. Perhaps just surviving.

Thinking about my life and women I have known the following qualities surfaced.

1. They can be alone or in a crowd. They like their own company. They are social with the right people.

2. Caring, compassionate but tough and assertive when needed. Not a pushover but not aggressive either. They care about others. They are there when you need them. Make the best close friends.

3. Resourceful. They manage their own affairs. Know how to pump gas. Budget their finances. Read. Learn new ideas that can be applied to their lives.

4. Knowing when to ask for help even though they could probably do it on their own. They will carefully assess the help and determine if it can be useful.

5. Resilient. Life may have been a struggle but they rise from the depths of those struggles. Put one foot in front of the other to move forward and cope and survive. Usually in a positive way. 

Strong women do not have time nor the need for pity parties. Yes let them know you notice their strengths but know they can take it or leave it. 

Most strong women are fun. They like humour and yes they like fun. Being serious about everything is not their way to live.

So how many strong women do you know??


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