
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, February 18, 2021


 With winter blues, covid blues, stay at home blues, some days getting motivated to do anything is a struggle.

So I have been tackling those little organizational projects that are mindless.

I can sit on the floor in the family room as I watch TV and organize away. The time goes by and something was done.

Another drawer is neat.

Some clutter is discarded.

Photos are organized or put in an album or scanned.

Genealogical information is neater. 

Crafts are always on the go. But they need me to tackle them as well. So the Tshirt quilt pieces have been moved to the sewing machine area.

February has always been a month of higher suicide rates. So keeping myself busy reminds me there could be others at there that can benefit from some contact.

So I try to connect with someone several times weekly and have a phone chat to catch up on all the little things.

Lockdown has meant stay at home orders still prevail. So friends are an email or phone call away. No in person gatherings yet.

So back to soothing my soul with these little mundane projects. 

Of course, March will bring Spring cleaning. Maybe, if I feel like it.

How about you? Is February a hard month to stay motivated?


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