
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Yes parenting has been going on for thousands of years. But parents can be crappy people. Abuse. Emotional putdowns. Children have died at the hands of their parents. Well you get the picture. Making decisions for vulnerable people-children- takes thought and wisdom. Stupid decisions are stupid decisions. Trends in parenting sound cute. Like the couple that won't tell anyone the sex of their child-really they want to write a book. I won't be reading it. To vaccinate or not! Really- a parent  wants to risk death from getting tetanus-look at the case in New Zealand where the 7 year old died- or disability from the next polio epidemic-there will be one- or death from diphtheria. Even common childhood diseases if a child contracts a high fever from measles- brain damage. No a vaccination does not cause autism. That is genetic!  I know there can be religious grounds for no blood transfusion but it does save a life. I am a regular blood donor and am adequately tested. If you want to be vegan-great but make sure your children are allowed to experience life's foods. Okay someone may say but he/she is my child. Yes but there are child welfare laws for a reason. So would it be okay for a parent to say my child, I can have sex with my child! So be careful when advocating "I can do what I want with my child." Actually you can't! Especially if laws are being broken!  Food, clothing, shelter, education, health care are some of the main ingredients for upbringing a child. Lots of love and not the view to complete your needs but to deal with the needs of the child. As a health care professional, parent and grandparent my needs would not outweigh the needs of a child. So when making decisions-just ask the simple question whose needs am I meeting?

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