
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


One can be alone but not lonely. One can be in a crowd and feel lonely. Feelings of loneliness are varied and complicated. Does feeling lonely lead to depression? When a celebrity takes his or her life then questions are often asked, why, could something had been done? The loneliness of our service men and women after an operation is coming to light. When does loneliness begin? Are there signs a person gives us so we can help? Feeling comfortable with oneself can be a lifelong struggle. There are times we can feel on top of the world and times we don't! There are events that impact us in many ways. Good, bad and the ugly! Family can be support or the cause of our feelings. Depends. But having a social circle gives us a place to go. The local coffee shop can be such a place! Our work crowd. The neighbours who walk their dogs can be people to see us. Teaching our children to learn to accept varied feelings and live with them. It can be comforting to be alone with our thoughts. It can also be comforting to be with others. Alone, lonely, loneliness-brings up some interesting thoughts!!

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