
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 Growing up in Canada there were many traditional trends.

The Christmas Tree. With ornaments and lots of tinsel. I used to get a real tree until a few years ago where it was just easier to use an artificial one. Now I put up two trees, have a small pink one with pink ornaments and a small table top one.

The Christmas Stocking. As a little girl my stocking would be an old nylon stocking of my Mom's filled with small items like a pencil, large orange and a delicious apple. For my girls when I played Santa a homemade stocking by my Mom with their name on it. Had to put big items from Santa to fill it. Now I put a variety of stockings on my fireplace.

Such an easy way to decorate adding festive colours to my family room.

Christmas lights. I love outdoor Christmas lights on houses. Now I just put some in my living room window on timers. 

The Santa Claus Parade in our towns and city. The above photos are from the 2016 Aurora parade at night so the lights on the floats are more festive. Local businesses and community groups with bands and music.

The visit to Santa at the Mall or home Christmas parties.

Nana telling Santa the famous Christmas joke. Why is Mrs Claus mad at Santa? Well he only comes once a year and when he does he puts it in her stocking!!

Presents. Shopping. Parcels to family members.

Christmas cards.

The Christmas newsletter updating others on the year's events.

Donations to the Food Bank, Toy drives and other charities have been Canadian traditions. I give to the Police toy drive and they donate to the Salvation Army.

Lots of photos and often those wonderful group photos.

Table set with festive items.
Outdoor planters.

The dessert and candy table.

Porchetta on a buffet table.

We embraced the Italian Christmas Eve 7 fishes dishes.

The girls were allowed to open one present Christmas Eve. I pointed them to the box with the matching PJs.

Christmas day. Santa stockings. Coffee, toast and pastries as we opened the presents.

Of course the traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I would add some Italian sausage for my husband. Family and other invited guests. As a child it would be my Uncle Norman, Auntie Lynne and cousin Pam. One year an elderly neighbour. As boyfriends and girlfriends arrived they would join our festive table. As a little girl I would go to my biological Dad;s house for a few hours before returning home.

Boxing Day December 26 was a day to do discount shopping and trying to find Christmas items.

The Yule Log cake is a favourite for our family.

The beautiful floral centerpiece.

A good year in our home.
The very first ornaments I bought on sale for the young married couple trees. Then I put lots of candy canes along with one set of lights.

A child's Christmas angel by my daughter when she was five. It sits beside my Christmas angel.

Christmas parties with various groups and family. 

The universal Christmas music. My favourite is Come all ye Faithful.

Christmas movies- It's a wonderful life, A Christmas Carol, A White Christmas. I watched those movies as a child.  A Christmas Story that the kids love was filmed in Toronto 20 years ago. Of course- Home Alone is a favourite with all the grandkids.

Modern ones- Love Actually especially the scenes in the Airport with people greeting loved ones. The Holiday is a feel good movie too.

So Family, Food, Fun, charitable donations, contacting with family and friends.

Modern traditions with matching PJS made the Christmas of 2021 fun and easy to plan what to wear.

So as Canadian as the oak tree.

Merry Christmas. Joyeux Noel.


1 comment:

  1. Your fav cuz loves looking at all your images of your family traditions. Us, we join my family on Boxing Day to share gifts with my family and enjoy food made by T and J and G. Always eat too much of the food and treats.
