
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


New parents. Parents with bulging families. Parents of teenagers. All phases and stages of parenting bring challenges but also lots of joy and memories to be made. In my time books and journals on parenting assisted as well as a degree in psychology. Several courses on child psychology in fact.. Remember the principles propagated today are based on psychological principles. Just ask me and I could tell you the theorist. I digress. There are many supportive internet sites for parents- Yummy Mummys is one. Of course the magazine Parenting with lots of insight and tips, strategies to help get one through the day. Remember there is the wisdom and experience of older people in families- grandparents, aunts, uncles! The important thing is not to approach parenting as a job but a journey. The relationship between parents and children builds character, shares love and is what family entails. Talk with other parents, share moments, bitch, commiserate, laugh about children's exploits. Many parents have their hockey buddies,dance buddies, soccer buddies or whatever activities their children are doing can bring new friendships. Sharing means caring and helps with the overall stress of being a modern parent with modern demands. An important trick to learn would be how to overcome being so tired all the time!!

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