
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, October 31, 2016


For children, Halloween is right up there with the celebrations of Christmas. Planning their costumes for months. Parties at home and school. Of course, treat and tricking from door to door. Getting candy or chips or some people give bookmarks. But children prefer candy. The industry around Halloween with the food, costumes and accessories is huge. Lawns decorated for Halloween become a status symbol. Some homes in the GTA go over board enticing many visitors but have a box to collect for some charity of choice.My street has changed from children to empty nesters. So I never know how many children will come to my door. I still give out a  can of pop of choice and candies. I make special bags for my grandchildren who live elsewhere as the first item in their bags. The little boy across the street who is one of the remaining children gets a special bag too. I miss the endless parade of children. Love to see their costumes and joy of just getting something. One year it was wonderful to hear copious thank yous from all the children. Manners do prevail! I am putting out little pumpkins. Decided when my girls were teenagers that carving pumpkins was work. No one here to care. So little ones will be present. So to all the children and adults that need to accompany their little ones have one ghoul time! 

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