
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Leaving November behind, December is the month of fun, parties and work. Those last minute shoppers have a few weeks to buy their presents. For me, the season is about the spirit of it. What to do, where to go, who to help! The toy drives, the food bank, the charity donations, are part of the Christian way of doing things. Is there someone who needs to come for dinner? A phone call? An email? A longer letter in a Christmas card? The season makes us think about others we have not thought about for the year. A good thing as it gives us a chance to reach out and well touch someone or just connect! However, it is tiring. Are you tired yet? I know I am even though I am on track with all my Christmas stuff. Thank heaven for online shopping as it has helped me to round out those little purchases for grandchildren. So December 1 means we are in the home stretch. More lights on streets. The buzz picking up. Thinking about how to help those in need. Then melancholy moments of thinking about those no longer with us. Those who live far away and it would be nice to have them here for the holidays. Memories creep in! Usually good, but sometimes the ones that hurt. Remembering the last Christmas with someone. Knowing it would be the last one. It may be our last Christmas in our house so I do want to make it special. No definitive plans of moving but it feels right to think about it. The last year has brought some deep soul searching of what is next!! So Christmas brings up all the need of what has been, what is now and what is the future. Sounds a little like The Christmas Carol by Dickens doesn't it. Perhaps he had it right so many years ago. So are you going with the flow or has the season conjured up some deeper thoughts? Are you keeping it simple? Are you going full out with plans? Family dues! Concerts! Movies! Music! Oh December- the last month of 2015 but will it be a good one. I do hope so!!

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