
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


The excitement is in the air. The traffic during the day and weekends has picked up as last minute shoppers are out in droves. My wrapping is finished. So scheduling the parcel drops at each home will happen soon. Taking the gifts for work colleagues can happen Monday as one friend who is retired will surprise us with a visit. Wednesday is our program Pot Luck so already have the non perishable stuff under my desk, i.e. box of crackers, box of cookies, plates, plastic cutlery. Although someone else is supposed to bring the plates and cutlery, I always bring extra. When I first started on the Surgery Program the first Pot Luck had no plates!! For those of you that may not understand what a Pot Luck is- well everyone that is coming brings a dish of food. It could be a salad, a meat dish, a veggie dish, dessert etc. The Luck part is- one hopes that the dishes will be different and not a table full of salads or just cookies! So the Pot Luck! Actually any Pot Luck usually has more food than is possible to eat at any one go!
Back to the wrapping,I needed to round off the gifts for one grandchild. As I was finishing wrapping, I realized I had 3 boxes for 1 and only 2 for the other. As we know children do not care if the cost is the same, just how many items are wrapped. So a quick walk to the local Mall to buy a shirt and pants, voila another box under the tree for him. Walking was a good thing. The traffic was bumper to bumper going into the Mall. The amount of beeping that drivers were doing to each other points out the frenzy that starts to happen this time of year. The second Saturday before Christmas.
With the wrapping finished for me, the bedroom now looks like a bedroom again. Threw or just moved all the stuff to the craft room to be slowly organized and put away. Why I say slowly is because my husband will need some wrap or gift bag and a tag or 2 for a present for me. Although we usually just buy a joint gift for each other- this year a new camcorder-, we still put a small gift under the tree.
There is a major family event today that will be fodder for a good post next week. A report back on the Pot Luck may another report too.
The local concerts of Christmas music are happening in many locations and churches. The Nutcracker will be performed at our local theatre- wish I had tickets. Of course the National Ballet of Canada has their annual Nutcracker ballet in Toronto every year.
No snow in our area but many parts of Canada have lots of snow. So it will be a White Christmas for them. The Christmas movies continue on TV which drive my husband crazy as some of them are not the classics and rather lame! Good thing for him there are sports to see!!
The picture was taken a couple of years ago at Yorkdale Mall which is a rather large Mall. I thought the Moose gave the post more of a Canadian flavour, eh!!

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