
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Things always look different from the bottom. There are times in our lives we feel at the bottom of whatever problem we are facing. Like a climb up the stairs or a big tower, one step at a time. Watch for those people in your life that want to give a hand up. Accept help as it is offered. Remember you may be the one offering someone help another time. Visualize being at the top of your game. Think through ways of solving your problems- one problem at a time. Sometimes it may not even be a problem, just a glitch in your life! While conquering those situations, look for the positives in your life! What is working well! What do you have going for you! Are there parts of the problem that can be solved now!

Someone may be looking out for you that you may not even be aware. Look to your faith! Positive energy attracts good things. Keep your head up to notice everything around you!

Hopefully those issues will go over the Falls and be swept away for the day to be a joyous one!

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