
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Recently I attended some sports events alone. Travelled a distance to and from on public transit. It gave an opportunity to observe the world, observe people, stop wherever I wanted and yes to take as many pictures as I wanted. No hurry! My own pace and schedule. Then attending a social event, someone asked when I said I went alone. Didn't you have a friend to accompany you? It was said as if I was some loser for going alone!!! Hum! I realized many people would not go alone, eat in a restaurant alone or even go to a movie alone! Why? Does it need to be seen as if one does not have friends or family? Yes I have a spouse! However, it is easier if I am alone to enjoy certain activities, what is the judgement? Actually I feel the other way around! Why can't someone enjoy their own company? I have even seen couples who travel to southern locations. Always have to go with friends or family! Okay sometimes, but it is good to be alone in the relationship too. I am a very social person. My job encompasses lots of socialization. To be alone with a book, some writing, some alone time is good for the soul. To be with people is good for the soul too. I have family, friends, relationships but being alone in some social situations provides opportunities to meet others. To talk to a stranger. Take a picture in a tourist area of a family group. To be available! If I talk to someone, not to be interrupted or have the story I am trying to tell finished by someone else!! As a wife, mother, grandmother, worker, friend- it is so common to put everyone's needs and wishes before my own. However, I do like my own company too. I am a person too! By energizing me, I find new energy to continue to be positive in my relationships with others. I also have something to tell them from my own adventures. Well do you enjoy your own company?

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