
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Angels have become a topic in my social circle lately. A person I know brought an interesting topic to light. Butterflies were symbolic to that person for the longest time. This year in my garden there are several varieties. Many monarchs as I do grow milkweed which is their favourite food. I mentioned it. No not seeing butterflies but feathers everywhere! Curious as I found a huge feather on my porch table a couple of weeks ago. Some meaning maybe. Apparently feathers can be the angels way of letting us know thy are near. So this morning found two small feathers in my driveway. Okay there are always birds around so there could be feathers. But I normally do not find feathers anywhere so why now? Let me digress. Did I ever tell how I found my first angel book? Many years ago I was on my way home from work driving north up Dufferin Street in Vaughan. The light was red but about to turn green. A little girl about 6 or 7 started to ride her bike across the east/west crosswalk and could hardly be seen by the cars stopped at the light. who would be heading south. Our light turned green but the little girl continued against the light. Fearing a fatality about to happen the car heading south had started to move but then stopped on a dime! Literally almost jackknifed. The little girl was allowed to continue because those of us going north just waited until she cleared the intersection. I remembered saying out loud to myself. Little girl, your guardian angel just saved your life. The next day I was at the Coles bookstore and was browsing the shelves when my hand happened upon a book about angels. Of course I bought it! In the next few years bought other books on angels too. They sit on my bookshelf. I just don't think much about their presence but do hear stories periodically from people about interesting occurrences. Sometimes coincidences in life! Or are they? So feathers- a nice thought or is it a reminder? Paying attention to one's surroundings and looking for symbolic meaning brings a different dimension to life. So do you have a story? An angel story?

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