
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Recently I took grandchildren to a couple of Pan Am events. Letting them be part of an international happening was more fun for me than for them. Buying them some memorabilia of the event for the future let's them have some of their inheritance early! I know I am here now so want to share as many activities with them. One day their friends, their lives will not include the grandparents. Establishing those relationships takes effort. Of course, as a grandparent children give the same attitude they give to their parents. They know they are loved unconditionally so do not need to give their best behaviour!! Hum. Actually returning from one event on the shuttle bus, my two oldest grandsons entertained people on the bus with their shenanigans! My son-in-law and I found them annoying but since people were laughing and having fun we let it go! As long as they were not annoying others, I guess it was okay. So international events bring out the same silliness in children but at least there are the good memories and some quick pictures to know it happened! Would I take them again- sure why not! Nana does love them- shenanigans, silliness and turned heads when asked for pictures!

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