
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, March 30, 2015


Easter can mean different things to different Christians. For some it is a time for family and Easter egg hunts while other giving up something for lent. Attending Church, reading the Easter story to children and watching religious movies can be in the home.
Easter lilies with their symbolic meaning are a must in my house.
Lots of eggs for the grandchildren to try to find from the Easter bunny. It is always interesting to try to explain how a bunny and Jesus are part of the same event.Having the religious icons are important too.
I found some stickers with crosses for the kids to make crafts. My bookmark from years ago gets taped to a kitchen cupboard. I am not the best practising Christian but I do try to have a bible, some children's books and the talk with the kids. Traditions stay alive if the living make them happen. The Easter story and faith have survived for over 2000 years so it is important to keep it going another 2000 years. What are your Easter plans? Do you celebrate with family? Is the Easter season full of extra church visits?

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