
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Twice a year we adjust our clocks and change the batteries in our smoke detectors. Day light savings is a reminder that change occurs without our control. We must adjust whether we like it or not. More accidents occur as sleep patterns are disrupted. Do we remember to be more careful-well not really! We should as twice a year we are reminded to be careful. Change happens to us all the time. What is ironic is older people are accused of being resistant to change. Actually I find the youth have more trouble. The older one gets the more change has occurred in one's life. Change of jobs, family size, empty nesting, retirement, health, loss of friends and loved ones- change is all around us all the time! Younger people get upset when they can not access the latest app on their phone! What is learned behaviour is to cope with change but not really needing to like it! So here I am an hour earlier getting ready for the day and hoping by next Monday it will be the new norm. Going to bed an hour earlier to adjust. But wait they will be more daylight and perhaps like everyone else has discovered something can be done with it! Oh yeah it is only March and the snow is still on the ground so gardening is out. Too early to put out the garden furniture. So maybe working on a project or just reading a book will help to enjoy the longer day. How about you? What will you do with the added hour of daylight?
Maybe a drive in the country is just around the corner. Planning for those spring adventures is encouraging to this blogger!!

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