
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, December 22, 2014


With Christmas events happening, time with family is dear. One large family dinner at my younger daughter's home with all the grandchildren. Homemade pasta with two different sauces- a meat sauce by Sonya and seafood sauce by Adolph along with veggies and chicken. Natasha brought cookies for the kids to decorate and a craft table was set up in the basement too. Lots of photos taken with some group shots. The typical Canadian event with eating and fun and dialogue. Presents delivered too to both homes. Corners in my house now look bare. Luckily there is little driving for us now. Two days of babysitting the grandchildren should be good. May head off to the library up the street for some children's craft time. Actually good to get children out of the house with some needed exercise as we all could go stir crazy!! So Monday is a day to reflect and regroup before the big day. Watching the frenzied traffic on Yonge Street the last two days with harried shoppers, it is comforting to be home with no last minute shopping to do. Adolph may head to a grocery store for some last minute fresh vegetables Christmas Eve. However looking in our full fridge, there is enough food for a small army!! Finishing a book sometimes or just watching a Christmas movie with a craft like crocheting in hand, this woman is enjoying the quiet of the season. Nothing like a comfortable spot on my love seat in the Family Room beside the Christmas tree this time of year. Yes a few days away from work helps with the mood too. How is your Christmas time going?

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