
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Monday always comes after a weekend. For most of us the weekend is never long enough. No matter what there it is- Monday. So what and how to embrace Monday.

1. Be thankful to have another week of work. If unemployed, Monday is the most stressful. Everyone else is going off to work and you are not. Blessed, lucky, fortunate or whatever- earning a living beats collecting unemployment benefits.

2. A good day to set goals for the week at home and at work. Even plans for the next weekend.

3. After a weekend, a good time to check in on the health aspects of life. Exercise. Diet. Sleep. Meal planning.

4. Catch up on emails, correspondence, bills. What needs to be done and what can wait.

5. Since it is just another day, this too shall pass. So embrace it, enjoy it, put some bounce in your step, greet others like you really care and guess what the day will pass. Remember once that happens, yes one day closer to the next weekend! Or you could sing the Mama and Papas song- Monday, Monday.


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