
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Too often we can focus on all that is wrong with our lives. Busy, bills, not enough time, grief. But considering our blessings can turn around those negative feelings. So some blessings to consider.

1. Health- physical and mental . Even with some health problems are you blessed with ways to manage them.

2. Family/Friends- good or bad or indifferent, being related to people brings a sense of community. Knowing you are part of a larger system.

3. Job or pension. It's an income. So having money to support life and eat and live is a true blessing.

4. Home- a house, apartment, condo, living with family. A place to call home and wake up every day is a great blessing. Yes some live in 10,000 sq. ft. mansion but do we all need that to call home.

5.. Interests- reading, crafts, travel, exercise programs,culinary excursions, talents, skills. Blessing to do something that brings meaning to life.

Counting our blessings takes courage during the hard, emotional times. During grief, remembering the blessing of having had the person at all. And being blessed that grief can remind us of the love and memories to be cherished.  If a health issue, glad to get the care and love and support from family and health care professionals. Have the tenacity not to compare your life with another. Continue to have bucket list of dreams even if they might seem unreachable. Worth trying anyway!

A blessing means keeping the faith, whatever your faith may be. Being positive attracts positive behaviour and energy. Yes it can be difficult, but you are blessed and can do it.

Life loves me, loves me not! Go for it!

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