
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Patience is one of those virtues that requires well patience. In our fast paced society wanting instant results but taking a step back and waiting for results can be more rewarding. Good things do come to those who wait. Think about a discussion that is heated. Jumping in too soon can bring angry words. Looking for the right job. Looking for the house in the location you want. Can patience be learned? Yes it can. Many counselling, management and conflict resolution courses use the many concepts of patience. Thinking and calculating how to respond to a situation. Walking away from a difficult situation so your emotional intelligence allows you to assess the situation better. Listening and truly listening to what others are saying. Fighting the big battles but not the little skirmishes. Children try our patience. Bad drivers try our patience. Huffing and puffing people waiting in lines try our patience. How to stop and not react takes incredible patience. I often visualize in a situation of planting my two feet on the floor and just stopping and not reacting. Deflating another person's over reaction helps diffuse situations. Oh yes I  have had my moments of angry outbursts that are regretted later so learning from them has taught me about patience. Patience also teaches us to stay away from angry, toxic people! Finding quiet moments to recharge your quiet energy! Oh patience! What a virtue!

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