
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Loving the warm summer weather, some people can not cope with the heat. Ironically it is the same heat hordes of Canadians go south every winter to obtain from the drudgery! When the temperatures soar the air conditioners come on! As a child we sat under trees, slept in the basement or used fans for cooling. Backyard hoses or little pools were fun times. Going to a beach or the lake at a cottage cooled us off as well. Now with many backyard pools there are opportunities to be leisurely! We Canadians are a real fickle bunch. Only a few months ago, there were copious complaints about the cold. Now it is about the hot! Unfortunately in some parts of Canada like the three western provinces- British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan- the dry spell has resulted in many uncontrollable forest fires! As for me, I am just glad there is summer and the opportunity to slow down and really smell the roses! The pace of modern times has become even more harried than other times. Where are we all running? The tasks are the same. Modern women and men do not cook as much but pick up prepared food in droves! So perhaps the heat does make us slow down! Prepare simple meals and cold dishes like bean salad that can last for a couple of meals. Use recyclable paper plates and cups to reduce the dishes. Of course, anything goes on the barbecue! Grilled fruit and vegetables are trendy and Tasty! Lucky people do take some vacation time to do the things they love. So if poor sleep, there are hours in the day to nap! How are you coping with the heat?

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