
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Busy as a bee from a beehive can describe the lives of many people. Actually many people thrive on letting everyone know their busy is more extreme than any one else. If you have two activities on the go, well they have 10. Sort of anything you can do, well I do more. Defining ourselves by the number of activities and things is so common place. Historically, people have always been busy with lives. Work weeks used to be 6 days with only Sunday off for church and family. Well farmers still have long work weeks. The average person has many activities of daily living to achieve. We can pick and chose what we want to do with our lives in many ways. Working late at the office has been replaced by taking the laptop home to finish the day's work. Weekends have to be packed with running around with kids in tow. So why do we need to be busy, busy, busy!!! As a clinician, it is an easy way to hide feelings, to protect oneself from working on relationships and to shrike one's family duties. Dragging your kids to the Mall to look around when one parent could take one child and leave the rest with the other parent, for example, might be more enjoyable but then not busy. I was the busy working mother with a husband doing 12 hour days and in the busy construction season 6 day weeks-so I get it. I took my children to many places like the Zoo, Art Gallery alone!  What I find amusing is many people look at this empty nester and tell me I had it easy, their busy is more extreme with this generation of parents! Oh yeah! Lessons and driving children has not changed! So when I am asked how was your weekend, I always say busy like everyone else's! I am actually tired of the "pissing contests" of who does more and is more tired!! So you were busy and so was I!! Working, living and being with family can be as involved or carefree as you want. Older generations in our area often go south for the winter ignoring their families altogether!! For me, I chose to be involved with my children and grandchildren as much as they want without my interfering with their lives. It is not being busy, it is defining a life. Along with my activities like this blog, it gives me a purpose. I like that part of me is defined by being a grandparent! So when I babysit my grandchildren, I am really grand parenting them. Lately I would like to be busy with more people my own age. Perhaps one day more lunches with friends! If we were not busy with something, then what would we be doing!! Rather than saying busy, maybe substitute the word with living! I am living life to the fullest or partial because like some people an afternoon nap may be needed!! So what do you think?

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