
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Monday, April 25, 2022


 A semi busy month.

A week of babysitting while one daughter and hubbie had a much needed break away to a southern location.

Two birthdays.


Warm then cool then warm then snow then warm then rain. So outdoor work was minimal. Hard to do any garden cleanup when I feel cold. 

Trying to complete some needed writing.

One community activity successful.

Attending other meetings as necessary. 

One sleepover with two grandchildren.

And taxes done. Hate doing taxes. Hate paying taxes.

But lots of time when little was done. Thinking a lot about everything- past, present and what to do in the future. Always have a small knitting project on the go so try to keep my hands busy. And be productive.

It seems I do better when I have deadlines. Like taxes. Minutes for meetings. 

A lot of my activities are just boring work. Housework. Garden cleanup. So takes energy to get going and getting it done.

Been missing my previous family life. My marriage. My man.

Hard to live alone and enjoy it. Can't tell others I find it hard as one comment coming my way was maybe move into one of those assisted living places!!

Yeah right. When I am still so independent and vibrant. I want company but not to be around people in their 80s. Not yet. Maybe when I am in my 80s.

So trying to share any thoughts or comments does not bring good results so I would rather say nothing about how I am really feeling. It is easier to write my thoughts so less criticism.

So April has been a mixed month. Wanting to be outside more but not when it is cool. Wanting to take photos but of what. Wanting positive family times.

How about you? How was your April? 


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