
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Yes I know the whole trend to go digital. Go paperless. Save the environment. But aren't there rays or whatever that may not be so harmless about digital. Save the environment- the tree is already dead and the paper is now recycled anyway.
So what is good about some paper.

1. My newspaper. My magazine. My book. Map. It is much easier to read. It is fun to peruse. I can read those items anywhere. Cozy in a chair. At the beach. In bed.

2. My bills. Easier to read. Can file and every so many years shred the lot. Sure can save in files online but it may take longer to find the one sought. I like putting the information of when the bill was paid. Yes I have an amazing site- EVERNOTE which is my online backup for important documents and genealogical research. And an amazing modern scanner- SCAN SNAP to send items there. But some items in paper works too.

3. Paper/coin cash gives a reality of how much money is being spent.. Debit and credit is too easy to do.Some cash purchases keep us aware of how easy it is to spend money

4. Can save dozens and hundreds of photos. But flipping through a cell phone to see pictures doesn't cut it. Printing many and scrapbooking is enjoyable. The occasional ones in a nice frame and put in a place to see. Even making those lovely photo books with a theme. Still love to see my 45th anniversary book. Sure all the pictures can be saved digitally but what are you going to do with 20000 photos in 10 years? In the cloud! What if the cloud bursts? Some backup printed ones may be your salvation.

5. The postal code book. It takes so much time to find a postal code online. The old postal code book with all the streets can be reviewed and the postal code found in less time than it takes to go into the Canada 411 site online. No need to go through every person with the same name.

I am a modern Senior. I use all the modern gadgets. I use all the old fashioned ways of doing things. I use whatever works in a specific situation. I take pictures with my SLR/Digital camera as well as some on my cell phone. I am versatile and can do things differently. It really can not be said for many of the modern generation.

1 comment:

  1. Converting old digital family photos to printed images. For my kids, as Christmas presents.
