
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Friday, September 4, 2015


The dictionary tells us a contradiction is a statement of the opposite or a denial. Sometimes a contradiction can come from left field. Even a good morning can be met with- what's good about it! A private discussion with a person and agreement on an issue can be met publicly with the person contradicting to stay on good terms with others in the room. Almost- two faced! Can we learn from contradictions? You bet. Often who your real friends can be! So it is important to be aware of the contradictory people and what the motives might be! Contradictions can teach us who really does not like us or respect us! Yes there are some oppositional people who like to argue about everything! Known many in my life. Really try to stay away from them. Can public contradictions hurt! Well yes sometimes! Parenting children involves lots of contradictions. Especially teenagers who like to contradict for the sake of it! How to listen and not react is the life's lesson! Why in that moment does someone need to contradict? What is the issue? Is there another way of looking at the subject? Does the contradictory person actually have a point? However if the same person is always being contradictory with you, is there an issue in the relationship? Sometimes, the person does not like you! So learning to spend less time with that person will help! Friends and family can agree to disagree. It does help the relationship. But hurtful, spiteful contradictions often in public places with an audience are not fair to anyone! Contradictory people have good defences. Often turning the tables on you- " you are just too sensitive!" Contradictions can be real "put downs!" They can be disguised as just stating my opinion. Being aware of how to have a discussion and state your own views with respect is life long learning. Blurting out whatever comes to your mind is not okay! Being oppositional for the sake of it can be very tiring and stressful for social activities and workplaces. Having varying points of views is okay but again with respect and as long as there is no harm involved. So in opposition to or conflict with are other words the dictionary tells us! So why is there is a conflict? What can you learn about the situation? Your reaction can be just not reacting but absorbing the contradiction and sorting out your own thoughts and feelings! So are you going to contradict me?

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