
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Reading some quotes today I came across one from Mark Twain- "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." Liars have to keep their stories straight. Exaggerators do not get believed anyway. So if the truth is told then like Twain said, no needing to remember. It does not mean one must share all personal information with everyone. Rather than lying, just say I do not wish to discuss that or I would like to change the subject or just give a glaring stare- the person would surely back off! Being honest with people we love and not hiding any truths is good. Not telling is okay. For example, if someone is on a vacation and something happens, it can wait until the person's return. Non-urgent matters do not necessarily need to be shared instantly. It is okay not to have everyone's personal information that is not necessary to a relationship. My children, for example, do not need to know how much I have in my bank account nor do I need to know their financial business. Some information is need to know. Besides personal boundaries respect honesty too. Being honest in relationships brings trust. I trust you will share what you need to share and I will not ask for more. Husbands and wives share more anyway. What is shared between them is not fodder for larger conversations. Private moments should remain private! Funny stuff if both agree can be shared. Like the time my husband tried to call me on his cell phone and he had grabbed his glucometer instead off the counter! There are people who do believe lying is okay! As long as it gets them what they need, there are no repercussions! For me, honesty works. Finding a way for little children to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, and the Easter bunny is tough! Wanting them to have magical moments without lying takes creativity! Well I do not know if I would venture to creative honesty, it is not really honest enough, is it? Be as honest as possible in situations works! Like I said if you can't be honest then just do not share anything with those that do not need to know! What do you think? Are you an honest person? Do you try to be real with others?

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