
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


With a new month particularly April there is real hope that the weather will change. The outdoors will be inviting. However some of my memories of April include freezing rain and ice for 4 days after the birth of my second child in April, a snowstorm April 15th when I was finishing my university days and the same snowy picture of my backyard on Easter Sunday that I had from Christmas morning! So all my optimism is hopeful- especially for the Maritimes that have been slammed by one snowstorm after another! There were some snowdrop flowers poking up their heads in the front part of the garden. More song birds are heard singing are my walks to work. The furnace is not running non-stop anymore. The days are longer and a little warmer. I even bought new running shoes to wear next week hoping to put away the winter boots. The icy patches on the sidewalk are gone now- well mostly as I still need to be careful. What is it about a new month? It is just a date on a calendar. The name for April comes from Aphrodite in Greek- Goddess of love. For the Romans April the 4th month of the year was sacred to Venus their Goddess of love. So is April about love. Is that why the animals and birdies mate with an influx of babies? Are there more human babies 10 months hence due to the Spring urges? Or do we just feel good to be over winter? For those with gardens the dual duties of home become paramount- inside work and outside work. April gives some time for the ground to dry and planning to happen. Do we seed some plants, decide to prune or cut back some areas or create a new area in the garden? For most gardeners the bulbs and other perennials will be sprouting through the ground over the next two months which is a pleasure to see with minimal work other than some raking of the leaves that covered the gardens over the winter months!! But still work! Easter, birthdays and family gatherings are in the forecast regardless of the weather! How about you? What are your plans?
The Daffodil- the symbol for Cancer awareness. So try to reflect on those you lost from cancer! Wear the daffodil pin to remind others!

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