
Inspiration for this blog came from my cousin Roy. His daily reflections of the events in his life have been thoughtful and interesting. Family, friends, colleagues are welcome to read my blog.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Aging brings wrinkles to the body. Often showing up on the face with those lovely laugh lines near the eyes. Happy people. Sourpusses get deep frown lines on the forehead. Miserable people. Surgery, wrinkle creams and limiting smiling may reduce some wrinkles. Are they badges of honour or something to cry over? Do some cultures really age better outwardly than others? Hum- food for thought. I think not- I usually can surmise the age of anyone. Usually the way someone carries their body is the best indicator- stooped over and shuffling is a good sign of being elderly regardless of the number of wrinkles on the face! The attitude gives everyone away- there are happy middle aged people and those who are starting to have those chips on their shoulders. So instead of trying to reduce wrinkles, perhaps keep a skip in your step! Take the chips off the shoulders! The alternative to aging is not being here at all. So accepting a few wrinkles and even age spots is not a bad thing. If you want less wrinkles on your face, stay fat. The fat cells fill in those wrinkles, not as healthy but if you have the need to try to look younger, well stay fat!! Those cultures that have fatter people or rounder faces could have less wrinkles!! Low lighting and makeup helps with one's appearance. The question- why is there a need to look younger? Why is there a need for someone to guess your age? Why not brag about the fact you feel good and your health is doing okay for your age? Here's a thought to annoy others, why not just be as happy and as healthy as you can be every day enjoying your life- wrinkles and all!!

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